IL SESSO DEGLI ANGELI, the new choreographic work by ROBERTO CASTELLO
IL SESSO DEGLI ANGELI (THE SEX OF THE ANGELS) debuts, the new choreographic work by Roberto Castello, created with Ilenia Romano and Erica Bravini.
The studies will be presented at SPAM!, Porcari (LU), on 11, 12 and 13 December. The debut will instead be on Friday 31 January 2025 in Rome at In Levare /Teatro Palladium, Roma.
Next dates:
7-8/03/2025 CANGO Cantieri Goldonetta / La democrazia del corpo 2025, Firenze IT
27/09/2025 (7pm) SpazioKörper, Napoli IT
16-17-18/10/2025 (dates to be defined), Roma IT
– other dates to be defined –
The course is aimed at young artists who have already completed a training as dancers, actors, or performers and intend to direct themselves towards theatrical authorship with a structurally transdisciplinary approach, where every form of expression is potentially usable in the creation of a work. The purpose of the course, coordinated by Roberto Castello, is to bring together motivated young people and offer them the opportunity to study with internationally wellknown artists. This includes laboratories dedicated to the study of movement, expressiveness, rhythm, voice, and singing with Jonathan Burrows, Panaibra Canda, Roberto Castello, Edivaldo Ernesto, Alessandra Cristiani, Ginevra Panzetti & Enrico Ticconi, Enrico Morelli, Ilenia Romano, Erica Bravini, Marco Zanotti, and Anselmo Luisi. Additionally, there will be seminars on 20th Century Theatre and Visual Arts, Postcolonial Dynamics, and Elements of Performance Law with Rodolfo Sacchettini, Alessandro Romanini, Maura Benegiamo, Nora Guazzotti, Danila Blasi, and Valentina Marini.
The intent is to form a group of curious, nonconformist, consistent, and rigorous artists, aware of their function and social responsibility, and masters of their own opinions and choices.
The course will end with a public presentation of the most interesting works created by each participant. The best among these will be invited to the 2025 edition of the Visavì Festival.
INFERNO – 16/10/2024 – Teatro Sociale Trento (IT).
Please take note that the performance scheduled on October 12th in Florence for Fabbrica Europa Festival, has been postponed to the 2025 edition.
Soirée d’enfer au Théâtre de la Ville ! – “…Inferno est une « pièce épuisante » et le « rythme est infernal » comme son nom l’indique. (…) ils sont infatigables. Et en plus ils sont séduisants et dégagent un sex-appeal incontestable, car Inferno c’est avant tout un jeu de séduction. (…) Nous avons donc assisté à une danse des égos colorée et divertissante mais surtout « emplie de joie de vivre » avec des danseurs incroyables.”
Marie Gracia – Classykêo
“…Castello geht es um Selbst- und Fremdoptimierung, um die Hölle im Alltäglichen. Dass er dabei auf Wiederholung setzt, bringt das sprichwörtlich quälende „Hamsterrad“ zum Ausdruck, zur Perfektion getrieben, wird sein „Inferno“ dagegen zum Vergnügen. Allzu gern sieht man diesen energiegeladenen Bewegungskünstlern zu, wenn ihnen die Elektro-Beats wie Stromstöße durch die Glieder fahren. Eine wabernde Masse, die den Sound gekonnt in Tanz übersetzt, und das ist auch gut so, schließlich gehört es zur Profession, dass sich Tanzkünstler bis an die Spitze treiben. Großer Applaus des Publikums im Pumpenhaus.”
Isabel Steinböck – Westfälische Nachrichten
“…Castello proves himself unwavering in his belief, consistently sarcastic and anarchical and abetted by an excellent group of four female and two bearded and long-haired male dancers, each possessing his or her own particular character and physicality, alongside a mistress of ceremonies, Alessandra Moretti, expressing herself in a discourse on art in pseudo-Brazilian.
(…) Then it is time for the infernal ‘truth’, an extended dance, full of energy, a jubilant saraband of great virtuosity, deliberately excessive both in intensity and duration, like those who have literally been possessed by the Devil. Castello’s fascination with the tradition of African movement, tackled in his previous Mbira, here brims over in breath-taking rhythmic mastery; the sounds are techno, jazz and folk…”
Elisa Guzzo Vaccarino – BALLET2000 English ed. n.290
IN GIRUM IMUS NOCTE ET CONSUMIMUR IGNI, by Roberto Castello next dates:
24/01/2024 Teatro Bonci / ERT, Cesena (IT)
24/03/2024 Teatro SOMS / PDV, Racconigi TO (IT)
26/03/2024 Teatro Toselli / PDV, Cuneo
“… a total work of art that you can not escape …”
Von Helmut Jasny. Westfalische Nachrichten, Germany
“The show is a shock. Look for it at all costs! …”
Thomas Hann. DANSER Canal historique, France
“… a dancing masterpiece…”
Rodolfo di Gianmarco. La Repubblica, Italy
“A fascinating interplay of space, time and movement.”
Kerstin Hergt. Hannoversche Allgemeine, Germany
“… one hour of exceptional dance theatre between video art and electronic avant-garde.”
Giulia Sanzone. Che teatro fa, Italy
“… It is impossible not to be overwhelmed by In Girum Imus Nocte’s infectious patrol”
Attilio Scarpellini. Doppiozero, Italy
“…a wonderful choreographic machine…”
Giuseppe Distefano. Il sole 24 ore, Italy
Founded and led by Tim Etchells, the historic Forced Entertainment company has gained attention for its extraordinary work on contemporary British drama. Among its most acclaimed plays is certainly Tomorrow’s Parties, a snapshot of the hopes and fears of an entire era. This is perhaps why, more than a decade after the play’s debut, Roberto Castello and Robin Arthur (among the company members) with the production of ALDES decided to translate and remount it (for the first time, not in the original language) to make it accessible to Italian audiences as well without the obstacle of subtitles.
web page (it) of the show ‘Italian version’:
3-4-5/11/2023 Mattatoio / Romaeuropa Festival
03/11 – 9pm
04/11 – 9pm
05/11 – 7pm
next dates
09/11/2023 Teatro Bolognini / Teatri di Pistoia, Pistoia
13/11/2023 Teatro Toselli / PDV, Cuneo
14/11/2023 Teatro Magnetti / PDV, Cirié TO
18/11/2023 Città delle 100 Scale Festival, Potenza
16/02/2024 Teatro Niccolini / FTS, San Casciano FI
17/02/2024 Teatro Mascagni / FTS, Chiusi SI
04/04/2024 Teatro Boiardo / ATER, Scandiano RE
13/04/2024 Palamostre – Sala Carmelo Bene / CSS, Udine
14/04/2024 Palamostre – Sala Carmelo Bene / CSS, Udine
23-24/04/2024 Teatro della Tosse, sala Campana, Genova

IN GIRUM… and INFERNO in Paris / Théâtre de La Ville
We are pleased to announce that next June we will present INFERNO, Ubu Award – Best Italian Dance Show 2022, and IN GIRUM IMUS NOCTE ET CONSUMIMUR IGNI, by Roberto Castello, at Théâtre de La Ville – Les Abesses in Paris, in the frame of Chantiers d’Europe.
6-7/06 (8pm) – Théâtre des Abbesses
9-10/06 (8pm) – Théâtre des Abbesses
02/09/2023 NID Platform, Teatro Massimo, Cagliari (IT)
13/10/2023 Teatro Ventidio Basso, Ascoli Piceno (IT)
14/12/2023 Teatro Manzoni, Pistoia (IT)
12/01/2024 Teatro Menotti / TSU – Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, Spoleto (IT)
12/10/2024 Teatro Goldoni / FABBRICA EUROPA, Firenze (IT)
16/10/2024 Teatro Sociale, Trento (IT)
01/12/2023 Terrestri / Teatro Astra, Vicenza
24/01/2024 Teatro Bonci / ERT, Cesena (IT)
24/03/2024 Teatro SOMS / PDV, Racconigi TO (IT)
26/03/2024 Teatro Toselli / PDV, Cuneo
INFERNO: UBU Award 2022 – Best Dance Show
12/12/22, INFERNO by Roberto Castello in collaboration with Alessandra Moretti wins the Ubu Prize 2022 / Best Dance Show.
“…Castello proves himself unwavering in his belief, consistently sarcastic and anarchical and abetted by an excellent group of four female and two bearded and long-haired male dancers, each possessing his or her own particular character and physicality, alongside a mistress of ceremonies, Alessandra Moretti, expressing herself in a discourse on art in pseudo-Brazilian.
(…) Then it is time for the infernal ‘truth’, an extended dance, full of energy, a jubilant saraband of great virtuosity, deliberately excessive both in intensity and duration, like those who have literally been possessed by the Devil. Castello’s fascination with the tradition of African movement, tackled in his previous Mbira, here brims over in breath-taking rhythmic mastery; the sounds are techno, jazz and folk…”
Elisa Guzzo Vaccarino – BALLET2000 ed. English n290 – 2022
“[…] the choreography is aggressive and captivating, evolving from some poses of apathetic dullness into aggressive visions and pure pleasure (the physical difficulty is as evident as effective). This Inferno almost becomes a choice of lifestyle, vitality and pleasure…”
Gianfranco Capitta – il manifesto – 20/11/21